Client’s Reveiw
Client’s Review.
Mental Health
FEELING CONFUSED between the CBT AND TALK THEAPY? Come on lets explore … With GNCC. Have met the therapist and the therapist have asked you to undergo therapy like CBT, and you are stuck taking it. As you are not completely aware of how and what it does. Many people have got a lot
A very Happy New Year and Happy World Family Day to all of you out there Everyone is happily celebrating NEW YEARS EVE, but do anyone of us know that its also A WORLD FAMILY DAY which is also celebrated. I know in India we don’t have to specially celebrate this day ( World Family
Happy New Year & Happy World Family Day Read More »
We are so afraid of our future and the problems we go through thinking of our past and the future. That sometimes people mess up with their thoughts and start thinking about committing suicide. We go so deep in our past experience and forget to live our present moment thinking about the past and how
When shall I start ? Read More »
Exams season across India now, so felt like penning down something. I would like to say something to those kids and young generation that you are preparing for the exams which are going to start so come on be prepared for it and no need to worry as it’s only an examination. Yes, exams are
Exams Fever across India Read More »
He works strong, his face is hidden either by mustaches and beard or behind strong emotions. We cannot read his eyes as we are always made to believe in this statements by birth that father’s are strict and strong. Are they really strict, are they too stern or disciplined or a difficult person without expression.
I shall tell your Father? Read More »
Life teaches you a lot on this journey. Each day you see you are graduating with new knowledge, new information, new methods. But still, we are bothered with unawareness and insecurity towards our own performance either in personal or professional life. When it comes to a particular task. At times I have also heard people
Emotions or Robots? Read More »
I was listening to some retro music and suddenly got stuck on one article. I could not help myself but just pen down my views about it. It is a new age, everything around us is updated, everything around us is modernized. We are saying that we have started understanding the law of rights. The
Daily some or the other commits suicide, a suicide of the physical body, or suicide of thought. Lots of people spoke over it wrote over, in newspapers or WhatsApp or in Facebook. The person is passed away, and what are we doing dissecting the leftover. Is that really going to help or change anything? Why
Left back are only ashes with … Read More »